The first week of the new year was marked by transitions. On the one hand by the temporal transition from 2022 to 2023, but mainly by my personal change of location from Basel to New York.
I entered the new year quite unspectacularly, comfortably at home, without fuss and without a big party. Lately, I value the somewhat quieter moments more than the wild ones, but that might change again. I further started the new year without resolutions, as usual. I don’t know what I would do differently this year and I know exactly what I won’t do differently, no matter how hard I try. I know myself by now. But I definitely wish that it will be a healthy, a happy, a creative and inspiring year. And that the most urgent problems of the world will be solved. Wishful thinking at least. In this sense to all my readers:
I wish you a healthy, happy and fulfilled New Year. May it be full of joy and inspiration for you all. Make the best of it, it is a part of your precious life!
The days in Basel
The last days in Basel were characterized by a mix of activity and relaxation. I went through countless lists that I made for preparation. Since meanwhile I can rely on the lists I’ve made for earlier stays, I just need to update them. In the weeks before, I add current entries every time they come into my mind. Then, in preparation of leaving, I only have to worked through the lists. New this time was that I had to send work material for my new New York studio. Material which I want to use there and of which I am not sure if and where I can find it in the city.
Diving into the blue
Although it is just a few days ago, it seems to me as if I write here of something that is much longer ago and far away. 6,246 km or 3883 miles to be exact. 9 hours of flying through shades of blue. The dark blue of the sky fading to black, the lighter blue of the Northern Atlantic and the shimmering blue of the snowy landscape of Canada and New England. Then through fluffy clouds lit pink by the evening sun back to the ground of gray reality. My reality number II, my living in New York.
Back in New York
I notice how with each long stay in New York, the newness, the strangeness, diminishes and gives way to a normality that I enjoy. It makes me feel at home here. Especially now that I also have my own studio. Setting it up and then working here will take up a lot of my time in the city and I’m really looking forward to it. Besides that, I am living the quiet daily life so far. Enjoying the early mornings with my partner. Watching from the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in hand how night turns into day. One day jogging, one day workout. A chat with the neighbors in the stairwell, going out with friends, visiting places we love to be.
So far, this January is a little different than usual. It’s uncommonly warm and no snow in sight yet, one thing I’ve been looking forward to. On the other hand, jogging is still humane and the fingers do not freeze off when taking pictures…everything has its benefits.
Studio update
Before leaving Basel, I wanted to finish my last two paintings, which I had started in December. Working on them, was also part of the more relaxed phases in the last week. I can’t find peace in anything like painting.