Matthias Maier | Blog | Week 33 2023 | Flight over the Atlantic

A very warm welcome

A relaxed flight back to Switzerland, which welcomes me with a heat wave. Due to this, a week of slightly sluggish but satisfied days, in which I can fully absorb the heat of summer again.

Goodbye America

Because the flights to Europe take place through the night, the departure days from New York are always quite relaxed, although somewhat overshadowed by some melancholy. One does a few more trivial things, put away everything that remains in New York and comfortably pack the suitcase with the things that come with me to Basel. In the afternoon a last visit to neighbors, a last nap, one more shower and then it’s time. In the cab out to the airport, the hustle and bustle there, the crowds and how relieved you are when you finally sit in your seat on the plane. On this flight I even had two seats, because the one next to me remained free. On takeoff, one last look down at the city glittering and sparkling like a diamond before the plane turns away and only the black night remains outside the window. At this time of the year the nights are still relatively short and already after a few hours we fly again through brilliant blue above a white cover of clouds.

Matthias Maier | Mont-Saint-Michel
Matthias Maier | High above Basel
Matthias Maier | Swiss Landscape

A view on Mont-Saint-Michel and Basel before landing safely at Zürich airport

Hello Europe

On arrival in Europe, a small welcome gift: a view of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy. The second gift is not long in coming. A clear view of Basel on approach to Zurich. How green and peaceful Switzerland always seems when you arrive here. And how quickly you can get from the plane on a train – unlike New York. A little more than 30 minutes and you are all set.

Home hot home

The arrival at home was a hot one. The attic apartment, which hadn’t been aired for weeks, was literally bubbling in the summer heat that had gripped Switzerland just in time for my return. Of course, there is no air conditioning here. The only thing left is a fan as a constant companion to at least get some air. Fortunately, temperatures cool down a bit in the evening, so that sleeping is going relatively well. Nevertheless, I was a bit sluggish the first few days and took my time to get used to it. And to spruce up my balcony. The heat waves and storms during the weeks I was away took their toll on the plants.

Matthias Maier | Here comes the sun
Matthias Maier | Grenzacher Horn
Matthias Maier | Glowing towers

Impressions from a sunrise run

Starting slowly

Only after a couple of days, when I was running again mostly in sync with the local time, I started my jogging rounds. Before sunrise this is just acceptable. Along the Rhine there is a refreshing wind for some time, which dies away during the day and at night, but always comes up before sunrise and after sunset. Thus, the active life takes place mainly at these times of the day, while the rest of the day is spent behind closed blinds.

Matthias Maier | Like from a different time
Matthias Maier | A ferry to a place to relax
Matthias Maier | Refreshing river

On an evening walk after sunset

Back at work

During my absence, a lot of mail and requests have accumulated and I was mostly busy with administrative tasks this week. Over the weekend I started to work on my last image of the Still Life series, which I want to finish before I start working on the series of Kings I started to create in the last weeks.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Still Life X in progress
Matthias Maier | Stories | Matthias in his Studio

Back at work in the Basel studio

Main Image Flying high above the Northern Atlantic Ocean