Winter solstice at last! In contrast to the summer solstice, this dark time of year fills me deep down with anticipation for longer and brighter days.
I am definitely a light person and like the long days in June. The summer solstice is therefore always a highlight and a melancholy moment at the same time, because the days get shorter again afterwards. In contrast, the winter solstice fills me with a deep joy at the fact that the light is slowly but steadily returning. But life is too short not to love and embrace these dark weeks. I always realize this on the winter solstice, the anniversary of the death of my mother, who passed away far too soon. It caused the magic of Christmas to fizzle out in one fell swoop and, depending on the year, it degenerates it into an unbearable folklore that I would prefer to escape from.
Celebrating the sunny moments
But let’s get back to life and be grateful for the short days. After all, they are what make you realize the value of the bright summer days. And they also have something beautiful about them. The light of the low sun, for example, which sets even mundane cityscapes in a theatrical light. Or the way it shines deep into the windows and illuminates the apartment. I also like it on a cold morning, when the golden light of the rising sun mixes with the remnants of mist from the river and the smoke from the chimneys and literally pours golden over the city.
Gray and dark December mood
Unfortunately the sunny moments this week were relatively few and far between, however, and the mood was mainly gray, wet and windy. Together with the noticeable Christmas stress, which was reflected in the hectic pace of the city and stressed faces, the week was rather below average in terms of creative impulses. But despite everything, there are small details that bring joy if you keep your eyes open on the few walks.
There are options
And then there was the spontaneous sale of three paintings and an evening with dear friends, which enhanced the week. There is more than just the sun and light to warm the heart…