This week was again dominated by everyday life, with only a change in the weather providing some variety.
Everyday life is not synonymous with bad, even if it is often used in a rather negative context. I find my everyday life quite pleasant; after all, over the years I have managed to lead a life in which I can occupy myself daily with things that are close to my heart and that make me happy. And especially at this time of year, it’s good to take a step back, be less active and just let the days come and go. The short days, the weather and, above all, the temperatures in New York at the moment really help with this. You really only want to go out when there’s no other option.
The frozen lake in Central Park
Snowdrops watching
Nevertheless, I do my laps in the park to switch off and escape the dry heating air at home and in my studio. The little everyday pleasures that provide variety. I always check the places along the path where I know snowdrops are growing, hoping to spot the first ones. But this winter is definitely harsher than the last one and not even the green of the leaves is showing yet. Hyacinths, tulips and pussy willows in vases will have to provide some springtime atmosphere at home instead.
Upper West Side brown and gray
Broadway Shuffle
It was a little milder in the second half of the week and the weather changed from blue to gray. And brown became the predominant color of the city. Or rather, it is particularly striking on gray winter days. Whether in Harlem or around Columbus Circle, the neighborhoods I had ended up in during these days. Once again, the art that literally brought color to the dreary days caught my eye. The sculpture “Broadway Shuffle” by Sean Scully is on display in Dante Park near Lincoln Center. Sean Scully was important for my artistic development. It was his paintings that motivated me to continue when I initially wanted to give up because after two years of art lessons I could only produce paintings with stripes. Inspired by him, the stripes became grids and the foundations of my current paintings were created. So this sculpture was not only a colorful highlight for me on a grey and brown day, but reminded me of my artistic beginnings and to always go through life with an open heart in order to experience synchronizations that show you the way and lead you to what you really need.
Art lighting up a gray day
Main Image View on Columbus Circle and Central Park South from inside the Deutsche Bank Center