Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Trees and wall pattern at Woodbridge train station

Between laziness and productivity

I sometimes have phases in which I admit that I tend to be lazy. This week was somewhat characterized by this, but in the end it was a productive and fulfilling one.

Making decisions is generally not my strong point and sometimes I have days where a lot of time is lost because I can’t decide which of the things I want to do I should start with. This week has been made up of a few days like that. I’ll blame it on the new moon… 😉 But it’s only ever bad until the first step is taken. After that, I almost fall into a hectic rush because I suddenly realize how much time I’ve already lost and then whatever I do can’t go fast enough. So to summarize, I had rather lazy mornings and all the more productive afternoons.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Art in Riverside Park
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Traffic lights

Colorful statements at the beginning of the week

Studio time

I mainly spent this productive time in the studio. There was some administrative work to do. The mail that is forwarded to me every few weeks from Basel arrived and needed to be processed. I also worked on a website redesign project.

Digital Fineart Prints

And then I was able to devote myself to working on new pictures. For the most part, I worked on the digital bird prints for the new series of Swiss birds. This resulted in two works, a blue tit and a great tit. Like the birds from Fire Island, the images are structured in the same way as I produce my screen prints. With a reduced color scale and a dot grid for the shading. Next to the bird, a strip of color, also realized with a dot grid, shows the bird’s habitat. And there is a graphic element in each picture. The selection of the colors and the division of the areas is always a very emotionally intensive work that often takes a lot of time. The infinite variety of colors and how they interact with each other…

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Great tit
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Blue tit

The first two of my new series of digital fineart prints

Alpine Landscapes

With regard to my painted pictures, I have started working on a new picture of Alpine Landscapes. These pictures are also initially created on the computer and I can work on them in a first step wherever I am with my laptop. But I usually do the actual realization in my studio in Basel, where I have more space than here in New York. The elaboration is the part of the picture that can take a lot of time and is the most emotional. It starts with deciding which photograph to use as a source. Over the years and the many hikes I’ve taken, I’ve collected quite a few pictures. Then it’s a matter of analyzing the mountain, taking out parts that can be removed or alienated. It takes a lot of playing around and trial and error to achieve a harmonious result in the end. During this process, however, a color scale is usually already created in my head, in which the picture is later implemented in color with acrylics. The process is therefore multi-layered and the examination of the motif very valuable.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 06 2024 | Piz As-Cha

Piz As-Cha, a new mountain for the Alpine Landscapes painting series

Switching between workplaces

When working on the screen becomes too much for me, I switch from my desk to my work table and continue working on my collage. Working with my hands, with paper, scissors and glue is simply good for me and is as calming as painting the prepared paintings. 

Getting physical

To balance out all the work, I also need my sport. Running is particularly good for me. On the one hand, I can switch off while jogging, and on the other, I always discover new motifs, which I briefly capture on my iPhone before continuing my run.  I usually go running every other day and dedicate the days in between to working out. 

Matthias Maier | American Robin
Matthias Maier | Pine tree
Matthias Maier | Riverside Park snow drops

Impressions from a run in Riverside Park

Family time

Sunday, which was marked by a family visit to nearby New Jersey, also provided new perspectives. A pre-Valentine’s visit to my mother-in-law’s grave and a meal with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, which is always on the agenda when I’m in New York for a few weeks. This endless suburban landscape that passes by the train window fascinates me every time. How different life is outside the big city.

Matthias Maier | Rahway River
Matthias Maier | Lined up
Matthias Maier | Wood Avenue

A Sunday in New Jersey

Main Image Trees in Parker Press Park seen from Woodbridge train station