Winter has pulled out all the stops again this week. A potpourri of gray, silent days, snow flurries and deep blue, but very cold and windy moments.
While spring is already spreading in Basel, there is still no sign of it here in New York. Except for the snowdrops, which offer some hope – if they haven’t just disappeared under a blanket of snow. Although the winter weather here is more in line with the season and February is still a winter month. And snow is becoming increasingly rare anyway. In this respect, these are also moments to enjoy when the world outside is covered in white and you have a warm place inside to stay. And the moment when you return home from a walk in the icy wind under a deep blue winter sky to enjoy a cup of coffee on the sofa, is priceless.
A snowy Upper West Side morning
Getting things done
Unimpressed by the weather, the days passed far too quickly and packed with work, just like the weeks before. I finally started to prepare for my exhibition in May. Events like this are always floating around somewhere in my head and make me feel like I’m under pressure to do things that I can’t really grasp. This creates a constant feeling of restlessness that I don’t like. However, as with so many things in life, the magic starts when you embrace things instead of suppressing them. And the more you deal with something, the clearer the whole thing becomes. Questions arise that need to be answered and ideas about what you could do. I always start by writing down everything that comes to my mind and then evaluate it later, clean it up and divide it into clearly defined todo lists. This makes larger tasks manageable and the lists give me the security of not forgetting anything.
Wisdom from the Subway
The Bullfinch and a gap filler
Another motif of the Swiss Birds has been completed, a bullfinch whose warm red belly was a nice contrast to the snowflakes falling outside the studio windows. And the view of the forest in the background always made me think of summer and mountain bike tours in the Black Forest or the Jura.
I also continued to work on the Alpine Landscapes and a little bit on my collage, which is always a bit of a stopgap when I’ve had enough of sitting at the screen.

Two of the creative works I was busy with this week
A little life
For the rest, everyday life in New York: jogging, working out, shopping, cooking, eating, going out. A bit of shopping, lazy evenings at home, going to bed early with a book and reading until my eyes fall shut (which is after half an hour at the latest).
City views through leafless trees