Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | The place I work and live in Basel

From nothing nothing comes

March is coming to an end with another intensive week of work and with it the end of the first quarter of 2024. I had some thoughts about dream related work.

I have the impression that everything is moving so quickly at the moment. I was just in New York and now I’ve been back in Basel for four weeks. What’s more, nature is progressing so quickly at the moment. It’s still March and the chestnuts are in leaf, the lilacs are in bloom and everything is growing and sprouting at an incredible speed. Yet the days this week have been mostly cloudy and rainy, one of them filled with Sahara dust.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | Lilacs blooming on the Rhine

Lilacs blooming on the Rhine

Another busy week

Due to the Easter weekend, the working week was actually a shorter one, but as I hadn’t planned anything out of the ordinary and, as I said, the weather wasn’t necessarily conducive to outdoor activities, I worked as normal. My notebook is filled with to-dos and so I was able to keep this week varied and productive. And in the end I was satisfied when I was able to tick off the completed tasks when planning the coming week.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | Sticker

The sticker that made me thinking about dreams and working on them hard

Lessons from street art

On my way around the neighborhood, I came across this ingenious sticker with the words “Work come to make your dreams true hard”. It made me think of my own life and how, in the end, so much has turned out the way I dreamed it would. Certainly mainly thanks to the work I put into it. But also through lucky coincidences. Although I am convinced that these happen to us when we have a goal in mind and work towards it. The universe will take care of us if we trust it and do our best. What this sentence with the reversed words says so beautifully – it should actually be “Work hard to make your dreams come true” – is that the realization of dreams is not a straightforward matter. Despite the hard work, things sometimes turn out differently than you think and you reach your goal via detours. Or to a goal that may not have been exactly what you wanted at the beginning, but one that is better for you in the end. And certain dreams take time. They often only reveal themselves after many years. At least that’s what happened to me. But that makes the moment when you realize that what you once dreamed of has come true and you can look back with justifiable pride on the path you have taken.

After the dream is before the dream

A life without dreams, without goals, would be nothing for me. The broad spectrum of possibilities that life reveals to us always offers a selection of new dreams that are worth pursuing. And thus for new work, for new challenges that give life meaning and help you to achieve happiness. Therefore after a realized dream is always before another dream. 

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | Dandelions
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | Daisies

Daisies and dandelions under a Sahara dusty sky

Keep your eyes off the phone

Those were the thoughts that went through my head after I walked past that sticker. By the way, I think it’s nice to discover messages like this that creative people leave in all sorts of places. They often make you think, put a smile on your face or simply make your day. So always walk the streets with your eyes open and leave your phone in the bag! 

Matthias Maier | Unfolding chestnut leaves against sahara dusted sky
Matthias Maier | Unfolding chestnut leaves
Matthias Maier | Blossoms by the river

Branches that magically unfurl leaves and flowers

From screen to paper

In preparation for my upcoming exhibition, I have had test prints made of my Swiss birds. It’s always an exciting moment when the pictures arrive. On the high-quality art paper, the colors simply look different than on the screen and sometimes small adjustments are necessary. This time, however, everything worked out right away and I am very satisfied. I will soon be offering the pictures for sale as editions in my store.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 13 | Swiss Birds prints

Test prints of the first Swiss Birds

Main Image Trees turning green at Claragraben