Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Sunrise seen from the New York apartment

The return of the sun

After what felt like an eternity, sunny days returned at the end of the week, creating a spring-like mood and a nice end to a fairly productive week.

The whole week was actually under the sign of the returning sun. The second of February is one of the four cross-quarter days and marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. So we’re already closer to the beginning of spring than the beginning of winter, which on the one hand is incredible as I feel like I’ve only just written about the winter solstice. On the other hand, I definitely prefer it that way!

Hello again

When the sun came up on the first clear morning while I was practicing my yoga in the living room, I noticed that it was also shining on the bushes outside the window on the fire escape. In the last few weeks, the sun always rose behind a building, so we didn’t see it for a few hours. Now, however, it is immediately visible right away on its journey north and I can watch the sunrise over the rooftops of Harlem from my window again.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Dawning

Dawn over the rooftops of Harlem

Making the best out of it

But first of all, I’ve started a gray and wet week and if I hadn’t written down every evening what happened on the individual days, I would have chalked them up to inconsequential days and probably wouldn’t even remember them with much detail.

To counteract the gray dreariness outside, I brought spring to my desk with a large bouquet of hyacinths and tulips. And then I was really productive. At least in terms of time. I might have ended up with more output, but sometimes it takes time for things to mature and take hold.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Along Broadway
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Water tanks

Another gray and wet morning in midtown

Studio update

I started thinking about my upcoming exhibition and generally how I can present my paintings differently in my portfolio. 

Since I’ve had my own apartment here and started receiving post, I’ve been collecting the envelopes from the mail I receive. Some of them are printed with lines and patterns on the inside and the idea of creating a collage from them has been on my mind for a while. I finally started this week. 

I am also in the process of adding new subjects to the series of bird prints and have been working on a first motif these days.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Organizing my paintings
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Working on a collage
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Working on a new print

Works in progress this week

Staying in shape

In between, I try to break up my days with sports activities to get enough exercise and stay in shape. My runs in Central Park or in Riverside Park along the Hudson River are always a welcome change from the hours I spend in the studio.

Matthias Maier | Rocks, trees and towers
Matthias Maier | Central Park snowdrops
Matthias Maier | Central Park horse carriage

A glimpse of spring in Central Park

The best for last

The weekend was then all about the beautiful weather and I spent it with friends and walking around the city and for once without working at all. It’s so great how multifaceted New York is and how a neighborhood further on has a completely different attitude to life. A Sunday stroll through SoHo showed me this again, with its beautiful old industrial buildings, cool stores and pretty people.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 05 2024 | Sunday in SoHo
Matthias Maier | Sometimes, I know you are also dreaming, and you are dreaming of us

SoHo impressions

Main Image Sunrise seen again from home


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  • February 6, 2024, 1:38 PM at 1:38 pm

    I love your blog. You notice all those little things that make life great.

    • February 6, 2024, 9:45 PM at 9:45 pm
      In reply to: Francis

      Thank you Francis, good to hear you like my work.