Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 19 2024 | View over Lake Lucern to mount Pilatus

A life full of diversity

Varied days bring momentum to life and my favorite weeks are the ones where there is a bit of everything.

On Monday, when I wrote down my to-do list for the week and my weekly goals, I could already see that it was going to be a week full of a wide variety of activities. There was a homeowners’ meeting in Germany and the organization of an apartment rental here in Basel. The gardens around the house had to be spruced up, now that the weather was finally improving, and the bi-weekly stairwell and cellar cleaning was due. My elderly father in Germany needed support and there was shopping to be done for the neighborhood help here in Basel. And then, of course, there was my work in the studio and I also wanted to fit in some sport. So the calendar was full to bursting with all sorts of things.

Matthias Maier | Trees and a roof
Matthias Maier | Urban pine
Matthias Maier | Kolpinghaus

Urban trees

Little moments captured on film

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, I saw some beautiful things that I captured photographically. The mood of the wet and gray days at the beginning of the week, which were crowned by a few minutes of bright sunshine just before sunset or details that caught my eye on my jogging laps. And then nature just outside the city gates on a short walk before I drove back to Basel after visiting my father. I am surprised every year when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the ears of corn cover the landscape.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 19 2024 | Barley Field

A barley field out of nowhere

Everyday’s role play

I thought about how many roles I play in the course of my everyday life. The caretaker, the gardener, the cook, the cleaner, the artist, the writer, the carer, the craftsman, the sportsman, the photographer, the programmer, the graphic designer, the shopper… a veritable potpourri of personalities between which I constantly switch back and forth. I think a lot of people are like that. Since I no longer have just one main job, my days are increasingly divided into these different tasks and I enjoy that. No more monotonous boredom.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 19 2024 | Chestnut trees and glass
Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 19 2024 | Rooftop and sky

Nature vs. architecture

Hiking day

As the weather forecast for the weekend was good and dry, a hiking day was planned for Saturday. From Vitznau on Lake Lucerne via the Vitzauerstock and Gersauerstock over to Rigi Scheidegg and on to Rigi Klösterli. This is such an escape from the comfort zone. There is also the option of simply taking a lazy day after a strenuous week. And when you have to walk up a mountain with a heavy rucksack under the warm sun, you occasionally think about why you’re doing this to yourself. But only very, very briefly. Because you actually know the answer. And I think the photos of this hike speak for themselves. It starts with the beautiful views during the train ride towards the mountains. And then when you suddenly find yourself in this other world, far away from everything. Just nature and landscape, which changes with every step and always offers new, exciting views. And little surprises, like the many wild marsh orchids that are in bloom or a ladder that you have to climb to get further, which sometimes challenges my fear of heights.

Matthias Maier | Marienburg
Matthias Maier | Morning meditation
Matthias Maier | Swiss morning

Views from the train window traveling through Switzerland

You shall rest on the seventh day

Since I was in the mountains on Saturday, I was able to stay in my comfort zone on Sunday without a guilty conscience and enjoy a nice, relaxing day at home on the balcony. There are no pictures of this…the phone was lying in a corner somewhere and had a break that day.

Matthias Maier | Stories | Week 19 2024 | View on Lake Lucern
Matthias Maier | Orchid meadow

Spectacular views and wild orchids

Main Image View down on Lake Lucerne, mount Pilatus and the city of Lucerne