The 10th week of the year brought the colors back into everyday life and trumped with sunny spring weather.
The weeks of muted colors are slowly coming to an end. The last few days were a foretaste of the upcoming warmer and more colorful half of the year. So this week I made a special effort to capture the first harbingers of spring sprouting up everywhere.
The return of the colors
We are a little late this year. You can see that if you scroll through the posts I wrote around this time last year. When I returned to Basel from New York at the beginning of March, the dogwoods and ornamental cherry trees on the banks of the Rhine were already in bloom. This year, there’s not much to see yet. However, the sunny and towards the end warm week gave the whole thing a boost and spring is now definitely on its way.
Wild daffodils
The opening of the outdoor season
Spurred on by the beautiful weather, I put the necessary outdoor work on my to-do list. First, I pruned the plants on my balcony and emptied the flower boxes so that I can plant them fresh in April. Then it was on to the garden, where I tackled the first jobs. However, as I have neglected them a bit in the last few years, a landscape gardener will be taking care of the two gardens and cutting back the larger trees in a few weeks.
Rhododendron blossoms
Jogging and photographing
Outside the balcony and garden, I mainly discovered the flowers on my jogging tours. I interrupted these every now and again when I discovered a new plant on the side of the path, stretching out into the spring air. Towards the end of the week, it was the first blossoms of the bushes and trees by the river I mentioned above, that caught my attention.
Enjoying the spring sun
The working routine
Otherwise, the working week was dominated by the usual administrative tasks, which somehow never seem to end. As soon as one is done, two new ones open up. I definitely can’t complain about boredom.
More colors
Back in Bern
An invitation to Bern on Sunday meant a change of location and the familiar sights on the way there, which I had already photographed last week, presented themselves this time under the blue sky of spring.
Bern blues